“Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.” – Glenda Cloud

I was standing confidently on the edge of a very steep cliff overlooking the breathtaking Pacific Bay 80 feet below me. With adrenaline rushing through my body, my feet were firmly planted on the ledge between the famous two cliffs in Acapulco, Mexico known as La Quebrada.

Taking one last deep breath, I raised my arms overhead, bent my knees and started to jump up and dive head first between the rocky, uneven cliffs. Suddenly, someone grabbed me by my waist and yanked me off the ledge. In disbelief, I said, “Mom?”

I couldn’t understand why my mom was frantically screaming at me and pulling me off the jagged ledge. I soon discovered why.  In reality, I was not at the cliffs of La Quebrada. I was a 7-year old child climbing the rod iron railing on the 4th story of our hotel room in Mexico.

I had been sleepwalking…again.

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Are you Sleepwalking?

Although you might not be mimicking professional high divers in Acapulco, you may very well be in a constant cycle of sleepwalking through life. Sadly, most people live their lives without any intentionality or a deep sense of purpose; waking up every morning and robotically punching the timeclock of life. They allow life to happen to them and react to their circumstances rather than creating vibrant, thriving environments in which to live.

How can you stop sleepwalking?

Set a Strong Intention Everyday

When you set a strong intention every day for your life, your possibilities become endless. Your mindset shifts from a fixed to a growth mindset; believing anything is possible.

Setting a strong intention keeps you centered and focuses. You reach your goals easier because you are more aware of them.

Sleepwalking is a habit; but the good news is habits can be broken. Start becoming aware of when you are sleepwalking and bring yourself back to the present. Living in the present is where intentionality thrives.

Keep believing,

Always remember – Nothing is Impossible

Rita Hudgens
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